Also available digitally on:ALSO aVAilaBLE DiGiTAlLY oN: Gumroad
Age Recommendation: Nine and Up.AGE ReCOMmENDaTion: Nine ANd UP.
Sixty-six million years ago, an asteroid slammed into the Earth, killing three quarters of all living things.SiXTY-six MiLliON yEARS aGo, An asterOiD SLAmMEd iNTo tHe EaRTh, KilLing tHreE QUARTers OF alL liViNG thingS.
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But our tiny ancestors survived.BUT OuR tiNY AnCESTors SURViveD.
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With clutched hands and shining eyes, they witnessed the end of the world...WiTH CLUtchED HANdS anD shiNinG eYES, THey witNEsSed ThE enD OF tHE WoRld...
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...and the early dawn of a new one....AND THE eaRLY dAWn OF a NEw one.
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Read all the issues!READ aLl THe iSsUES!