Sixty-six million years ago, the world nearly ended. But our tiny, furry ancestors survived, in the...SiXTY-six MiLliON yEARS aGo, tHe WOrLD nEARlY eNdED. BUT our tiny, FURrY aNCesTORS surVivEd, in the...

From a sleepy suburb, a grotesque abomination emerges, in...FROM A SLEePY sUBurb, a GRoTESQUe ABOmiNation EMergEs, iN...
The boys are back, in...THE BOYS ARe baCK, iN...

He told himself he was the greatest hero of his age -- the noblest human being of the...HE TOLD hiMSelF HE WAs the GREaTeSt HEro Of his Age -- THE NoBLeSt hUman bEiNG OF THe...