Paleocene #4
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Age Recommendation: Nine and Up.AGE ReCOMmENDaTion: Nine ANd UP.
Mamma and Brother continue their search for Sister ... now in the freezing cold of winter.MAmMa AND BROTHEr ContiNUe ThEiR SearcH FOR siStEr ... noW iN The fREeZinG COLd oF wiNtEr.
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Could the little child possibly have survived?COULD THE litTLe child PoSsiBLY HAVE SuRviVeD?
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What will happen to Auntie and the rest of the troop in their absence?WHAT wiLl haPpEN tO AUnTie aND tHE ReST oF thE TrOoP in tHeiR ABsENCe?
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And, as Brother grows up, will he stay with his Mamma?AND, aS BROTHEr GRoWs UP, wiLl he StAY WiTH his MamMA?
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Discover Sister's fate!DiSCOVER siSTer's FAtE!
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Read all the issues!READ aLl THe iSsUES!